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State Assembly Candidate Ed Perez Announces 5-Point Plan

Ed Perez for Assembly

Press Release
For Immediate Release
October 23, 2016
Contact: Brandon Pagan @ 631.606.6612

State Assembly Candidate Ed Perez Announces 5-Point Plan

Huntington, NY – After listening to many residents from different backgrounds throughout the community and taking their ideas as well as concerns into account, State Assembly candidate Ed Perez has announced his 5-point plan.

The following is text from Mr. Perez’s prepared remarks:

“Thank you for the invitation to speak to you today about my candidacy for New York State Assembly and to share with you my 5-point plan that I have crafted after listening to so many ideas and concerns of residents that live right here locally.

Like so many of you that I have spoken with this campaign season, I care deeply about our community and our state. I am a homeowner in Huntington with my wonderful wife. I have three adult children and an amazing granddaughter as well.

I would like to highlight to you that - My platform is straight-forward and focused on economic development, public safety, protecting our environment, enhancing our schools and holding down taxes.

Economic Development:

Economic Development is vital to growing our local economy and creating good jobs for Long Island residents. I fully support efforts being pushed forward by Long Island businesses to further enhance and develop the Rt. 110 corridor. In addition, I support efforts being made by private industry, organized labor and Suffolk County to spur economic development in Huntington Station. Also, I believe it is important to support our local small businesses, like business in Huntington Village, by keeping up our local infrastructure and holding down taxes.

I will team up with like-minded public officials on these issues to make sure these projects progress at a more rapid pace by lobbying for red-tape reduction and expedited permitting from government agencies involved in the approval processes.

I will also ally and team up with the Long Island Association in their efforts to push these important economic development efforts forward.

The common ingredient needed for these efforts is public infrastructure. I will support all efforts to get the proper infrastructure in place to make our economic development goals a reality. That means funding from local, state and federal coffers for sewers, roads, sidewalks, parks, etc.

Public Safety:

Public Safety is such a high priority to keep our residents safe and quality of life high. I fully support intergovernmental cooperation on this front, with local, state and federal law enforcement all working together on this issue.

I will work with New York State law enforcement agencies to make sure they are coordinating with local law enforcement.

In addition, in order to provide local tax relief, I will work to get an independent analysis of having the state to reimburse Suffolk County for their efforts to patrol the Long Island Expressway. Once the analysis is done, I will work to get those funds home to Suffolk County for tax relief. The County does an excellent job patrolling the LIE and should continue to do so with proper recognition from NYS. That proper recognition is full reimbursement.

Protecting out Environment:

The protection of our environment is so important to Long Islanders today, as well as Long Islanders in the future. We need to make sure we have and protect clean drinking water, clean air and healthy soil.

I will make sure that agencies like the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation are fully funded. In addition, I will support intergovernmental efforts to protect our environment, encouraging local and federal agencies to work with their state partners.

Also, I will support and work with environmental groups throughout Long Island in their efforts to protect the environment.

Enhancing our Schools:

Long Island is known for having some of the best schools in the country. I will work to make sure the state is sending Long Island’s fair share of school funding back to Long Island every year.

I want to make sure that our schools are able to hire and retain the best teachers as well as the best administrators. In addition, I want to make sure that our schools are state of

the art, having the best facilities in the country. I will push to make sure more state aid is sent to local schools on Long Island and not spent somewhere else in the state.

Also, I plan to support efforts to set salary caps on school administrators. No public officials at the local or state level should be collecting a salary that is more than the Governor. Unfortunately this is the case, while tax-payers are buried in taxes throughout Long Island. It is wrong and I won’t ignore it.

Holding Down Taxes:

I believe the cumulative tax burden on Long Islanders is way too high. When you look at what Long Islanders pay in local, state and federal taxes, you see a tax burden that is oppressive to middle class families, our young population and our seniors.

I pledge to never vote for any increases in state taxes. In addition, I will lobby for tax relief on behalf of Long Islanders to our local and federal representatives holding office.

Also, I will seek to make sure that more of the funding that is already going to state coffers, comes back to Long Island to support our local schools and rebuild our local infrastructure.

In addition, the Long Island Association has taken a number of positive steps on these issues on behalf of Long Island businesses, and I applaud them for that. When elected I will be a strong ally of the Long Island Association in order to make sure Long Island continues to make progress on this front.
