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2024 Elections


Vice President of the United States

Kamala Harris

The first Black and Indian American woman to represent California in the United States Senate, Kamala Harris grew up believing in the promise of America and fighting to make sure that promise is fulfilled for all Americans. Kamala’s father immigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica to study economics and her mother immigrated from India. Kamala’s mother told her growing up “Don’t sit around and complain about things, do something,” which is what drives Kamala every single day. Kamala started fighting for working families in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, where she focused on prosecuting child sexual assault cases. From there, she became the first Black woman elected as San Francisco’s District Attorney. In this position, she started a program to provide first-time drug offenders second chances with the opportunity to earn a high school degree and find a job. read more »

U.S. Senate

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is a proud New York Democrat. She is running a grassroots campaign to fix our economy and improve life for the middle class and working families across New York. Kirsten remains committed to bringing her grassroots campaign to every New Yorker and working tirelessly on behalf of the Empire State. read more »

NYS Assembly

NYS Assembly - District 10

Steve Stern

Steve Stern is proud to have been re-elected as the New York State Assemblyman representing the 10th Assembly District. Elected to the Assembly in a special election in April 2018, Steve hit the ground running by passing an impressive 6 bills in his first 6 weeks, including laws to protect our precious groundwater, services for veterans and measures to protect children’s health. Steve also secured unprecedented funding for local schools and for law enforcement in the fights against the deadly opioid epidemic and MS-13. Steve believes that reducing gun violence is one of the great moral issues of our time, and necessary to protect public safety. He is the proud co-sponsor of New York’s “Red Flag Law” which keeps guns out of the hands of those who should not have them and allows immediate intervention when individuals pose a risk to public safety. read more »