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Calling registered Democrats living in the Town of Huntington

The Huntington Town Democratic Committee invites you to stand out and make a difference in your community.

Why Join?

As a member of the Huntington Town Democratic Committee you have a great opportunity to bring about positive change in the Huntington community, our county, our state and our nation.

There are a number of ways you can participate that will suit your lifestyle, let you do what you enjoy doing and help you volunteer the time you can spare.

To quote a committee member, "The Committee has become an important part of my life because it enables me to associate with people who share my basic philosophies. I know and interact personally with elected officials in various levels of government. As a committee person, I can participate first-hand in the process of selecting candidates whose names appear on the ballot. This is exciting and, at times, awesome."

There is no thrill greater than knowing that you have helped get a Democratic candidate elected. And we, the Democratic Committee, need people like you to elect officials who understand our views and fight for our cause.

Tip O'Neill said, "All politics is local." Come understand what this means. Join us and make a difference!

How can I participate?

I don't have much time, but I want to make a difference.

Fill out the form below with your name, address and contact information. Also check off what you would like to do to help. Voting is a powerful tool. Although state and national elections usually get people's attention, local board elections are equally important. These candidates if elected will make daily choices for your community.

I would like to participate more actively, but I'd rather do it from home.

Getting the word out is very important. Folding, stuffing and mailing literature is a job that needs to get done. Friend-to-friend letter writing campaigns and e-mail campaigns are an effective way to bring people's attention to the issues.

What else can I do to be proactive?

Becoming a committee member means that you can participate in monthly meetings, collect signatures on petitions for candidates, do mailings, get the vote out, hand out flyers at shopping centers and railroad stations, participate in fund raising events and go campaigning with officials that are up for re-elections. Be informed. Visit www.huntingtondems.org, the official website of the Huntington Town Democratic Committee regularly to stay up to date on political news that affect your town.

Become a member and choose your role.

Things can happen when we collectively contribute to the causes we believe in. Fill out the form below to let us know how you'd like to help. Fields marked with an asterisk* are required.

You can also call HTDC headquarters directly at 631-421-3399 or send an email to the chair, Jill Kaufman at chairhtdc@gmail.com

Thank you for pitching in... we'll look forward to working with you!

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP ELECT DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES! There are many ways that you can volunteer to help your party! Please complete your name, email and phone number so that you can be contacted by a campaign manager to help.

(Apt. 3G, Second floor, etc.)
Anything else you'd like us to know